In all coating applications the pre-treatment of any substrate is critical to achieve good adhesion and longevity of the coating.
TW Coatings have a highly trained work force capable of using a wide range of materials weather it is steel, aluminium, wood or plastic. Whatever the medium each one is treated appropriately.
Paintbond 310
A Liquid chemical which when diluted in warm water will simultaneously degrease and form a thin, protective phosphate conversion coating on steel, zinc and aluminium surfaces.
This process complies with defence standard 03-11 class 1V
Shot Blasting
Shot blasting is the process of removing surface corrosion by applying an abrasive media under pressure it is an excellent pre-treatment for steel as it cleans and roughens the surface.
By lowering the pressure and replacing the blasting media to a non-ferrous grit for example glass bead or aluminium oxide it is also a good technique for removing machine marks left after turning.
All parts at TW Coatings are blasted to sa2.5

Further Information
Requiring further Pre Treatment information the please give us a call 01202 895 795